Sonntag, 27. September 2009

Vodafone App Star - Build a Widget and Win

1st phase of the competition runs until January 31st 2010, so you have until then to submit your entry.
Three judges from each of the local Vodafone countries will judge the submitted entries and pick three winners. The three winners will receive (in reverse order), €10,000, €15,000 and €25,000. We will therefore end up with 24 winners, which will be announced on February 12th 2010.

Read more: Vodafone App Star Competition // Build a Widget and Win €100,000

TV total Stock Car Crash Challenge & Vodafone 360

Werde Fahrer bei der TV Total Stock Car Crash Challenge für das Vodafone 360 Team! Los geht's am 10. Oktober 2009 in der Veltins-Arena auf Schalke. Fahre Seite an Seite mit Elton und anderen Promis. Gewinne die Wildcard und sei mitten drin im Spektakel des Jahres.

Mehr Infos unter diesem Link: TV total Stock Car Crash Challenge 2009 - Specials - TV total

Donnerstag, 24. September 2009

Pieter Knook talk's about vodafone 360

Dita Von Teese speaks about Vodafone 360

Vodafone 360 Webseite live

Vodafone 360 - Vodafone D2 - Privat

Power to you: Vodafone Announces Vodafone 360

Vodafone today announces the launch of Vodafone 360 - a new suite of innovative internet services for the mobile and PC.

All of a customer’s contacts, status updates and messaging services are brought together in one place enhancing the customer’s experience and use of social media. Customers will have integrated contacts, music, photos and mapping services and can share their favourite music choices and even their physical location, how and when they choose, with their chosen groups of friends.
Read all: Vodafone Announces Vodafone 360 - Vodafone

Mittwoch, 23. September 2009 gathers the latest about you into a tiny, easy to update, video-enabled calling card. Publish once, update everywhere!

Record yourself from your phone or webcam and publish everywhere.

Add your favorite sites & services to your card. It always stays fresh.

Stay the heck outside! works oh-so-great on your phone.

Dienstag, 22. September 2009

roqyGPS for 2G iPhones

via :: Alles zum iPhone − roqyGPS: Jailbreak-Anwendung koppelt GPS-Module via BT

New Acrossair Apps

Nearest Tube
Now for Barcelona, Chicago, Madrid, New York, Paris, San Francisco, Tokio

Nearest Wiki
Nearest Wiki is your very own information portal in Augmented Reality view.
This is the app for you whether you are interested in brushing up on your general knowledge or are keen to learn about your surroundings in a fun interactive way.

Photos AR
PhotosAR is an addictive new app developed exclusively for the iPhone. It uses the great new technology Augmented Reality to give you access to
indispensable photos of locations that you want to get that little bit closer to.

(via :: Alles zum iPhone − Nearest Wiki & Co.: Die Augmented Reality-Applikationen kommen)

Montag, 21. September 2009

AutistVZ - Hast du schon deine Ruhe?

Im Moment bist du alleine!
Hier kannst du nun:
- Keine Gruppen gründen
- Keine Leute kennen lernen
- Keine Fotos hochladen
- Keine Nachrichten verschicken"
AutistVZ - Hast du schon deine Ruhe?

Monopoly City Streets

MONOPOLY City Streets – Eine globale Live-Version von MONOPOLY, in der Google Maps als Spielbrett dient. Sie können jede Straße auf der ganzen Welt erwerben und im Spiel der reichste Immobilienking aller Zeiten werden.

Die Inspiration für MONOPOLY City Streets stammt von unserem neusten Brettspiel MONOPOLY City. Wir wollten das aktualisierte Gameplay zum Leben hervorbringen.
Monopoly City Streets

Mittwoch, 16. September 2009

New Sekaicamera demo video

(via Augmented Reality: Sekaicamera demo | Beyond The Beyond)

Nokia PUSH

Nokia PUSH is a new Nokia initiative…

"to give designers, hackers, modders, creatives and artists the chance to get their hands on, and heads inside, the new Nokia N900 & the Maemo platform"

The brief is…

"tell us how you would hack and mod the N900 & Maemo to connect the N900 to something you love"

Nokia PUSH

Stack v3 for iPhone


Dienstag, 15. September 2009

Montag, 14. September 2009

Vodafone-Modell on Flickriver

Vodafone-Modell on Flickriver

Social media in organisations

The Confederation of Danish Industry asked to hear my take on social media this week. My primary job is in user experience, but this past year has seen a massive increase in work where we seek to maximise all available channels. This presentation is not focused on ROI, more about the way we think about media channels, our identity online and how we should interact with those we sell products or services to.

Freitag, 11. September 2009

adaptive path - UX Week 2009

"UX Week is the premier user experience conference, and in 2009 we look laterally at the disciplines that have influenced us. With a mix of inspiring talks from recognized thought leaders and hands-on workshops delivering takeaway skills, this event delivers for user experience professionals at all levels — directors, managers, and practitioners."

UX Week 2009, September 15-18 in San Francisco

Mittwoch, 9. September 2009

Where did all the money go?

Stamen Design, in its most recent project with the State of California, lets you explore the money breakdown. Like most of Stamen's work, at the base is an interactive map, but it is of course much more than that.

California Economic Recovery Portal - Stimulus Map:
"American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) funding is disseminated by the federal government directly to various entities within a state including state government entities, local government entities, local businesses, local non-profits and other organizations. Under 50 percent of Recovery funding is estimated to flow through state government entities."

Dienstag, 8. September 2009

Nokia Point & Find

More: Nokia Point & Find

UpNext: Immerse Yourself in the City

UpNext NYC is an interactive 3D map to explore Manhattan. With UpNext you can fly and zoom through the city fluidly, in its full 3D glory, without network hiccups or download times.

UpNext iPhone

Delicate Boundaries

Delicate Boundaries from csugrue on Vimeo.

As digital technologies become more embedded in everyday life, the line between the virtual and real is increasingly blurred. Delicate Boundaries imagines a space in which the worlds inside our digital devices can move into the physical world. Small bugs made of light, crawl out of the computer screen onto the human bodies that make contact with them. The system explores the subtle boundaries that exist between foreign systems and what it might mean to cross them.
More: Delicate Boundaries

Metaio - Augmented Solutions

As a pioneer in the area of augmented reality technology, metaio develops software products for systems driven by visual interaction in both real and virtual worlds. Our Unifeye software platform not only lets you place 3D animations directly into live video streams, but also supports the seamless integration of images from the external user environment.
The Munich based company behind Popular Sience & GE or the Lego AR Shop Solution and many more.

Metaio - Augmented Reality, Mixed, software, product, systems, solutions, consulting, applications, presentation: Home

Bruce Sterling’s Keynote - At the Dawn of the Augmented Reality Industry

Video: Bruce Sterling's Keynote - At the Dawn of the Augmented Reality Industry from Maarten Lens-FitzGerald on Vimeo.

via Layar-Blog

Layar 2.0 Walk Through

Event Video: Layar 2.0 Walk Through from Maarten on Vimeo.

A html-Version with singlescreens can be found here.

(via Vodafone Mobile Clicks & Layar-Blog)

PICNIC Conference

PICNIC - PICNIC Amsterdam 23-25 September 2009

Social Persuasion & Social Media: It's Not What You Say That Matters

(via Essential Slides: Social Persuasion - Harald Felgner)

(via flairification)

List of Twitter-Tools

Dr. Web Magazin published a usefull list of different Twitter-Tools.

commodore 64 for the iPhone

Donnerstag, 3. September 2009

Wenn Unternehmen twittern

Betreff: Tweet #1
Freitag, 10:01 Uhr
Lieber F., bezugnehmend auf unsere Besprechung von Montag letzter Woche, schicke ich dir nun den Tweet mit der Bitte um Veröffentlichung. Wir haben uns an die Zeichenzahl 140 gehalten.
Bei Rückfragen stehen wir dir gern zur Verfügung.
Viele Grüße H.

Wenn Unternehmen twittern | TRENDOPFER

Flare | Data Visualization for the Web

Flare | Data Visualization for the Web: "Flare is an ActionScript library for creating visualizations that run in the Adobe Flash Player. From basic charts and graphs to complex interactive graphics, the toolkit supports data management, visual encoding, animation, and interaction techniques. Even better, flare features a modular design that lets developers create customized visualization techniques without having to reinvent the wheel."

Awareness Test

Mittwoch, 2. September 2009

in Bb 2.0 - a collaborative music/spoken word project

In Bb 2.0 is a collaborative music and spoken word project conceived by Darren Solomon from Science for Girls, and developed with contributions from users.

The videos can be played simultaneously -- the soundtracks will work together, and the mix can be adjusted with the individual volume sliders.

in Bb 2.0 - a collaborative music/spoken word project

Design Folios with Google Maps

Heavy Backpack - A Creative Catalogue Design Folios with Google Maps: "Using an application, like CASA’s Image Cutter or the Automatic Tile Cutter, you can create your own map tiles for Google Maps. This means that you can replace image map tiles with any image tiles you like including other maps, or more importantly for designers and artist, replace them with portfolio images!"

Dienstag, 1. September 2009

Fast Foot Challenge

FastFoot-Challenge is the fastest GPS multiplayer game for mobile phones. "Hier ab Vier" shows, how it works. Fast Foot Challenge

New chapter about design issues in location-based games

Digital Cityscapes: Merging Digital and Urban Playspaces ” a book edited by Adriana de Souza e Silva and Daniel Sutko that deal with location-based games and urban informatics:

“The convergence of smartphones, GPS, the Internet, and social networks has given rise to a playful, educational, and social media known as location-based and hybrid reality games. The essays in this book investigate this new phenomenon and provide a broad overview of the emerging field of location-aware mobile games, highlighting critical, social scientific, and design approaches to these types of games, and drawing attention to the social and cultural implications of mobile technologies in contemporary society. With a comprehensive approach that includes theory, design, and education, this edited volume is one of the first scholarly works to engage the emerging area of multi-user location-based mobile games and hybrid reality games.“
- More about the author.
- The authors blog: MGaming Blog
- via Pasta&Vinegar

Chestburster Alien AR

Haha, via: zwei zwei drei: Hilfe gesucht...